Friday, September 21, 2007

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Queer nationalism (also gay nationalism) is a phenomenon which is related both to nationalism and to gay and lesbian liberation movement. This form of gay and lesbian emancipation movement is based on the idea that homosexuals are not a group of humans with deviant sexual practices but a folk due to their specific culture and customs.

Queer nationalism Queer Nation
First to recognize the "Queer Nation" as a new form of nationalism were Bérubé (1991) and Chee (1991).

All nationalisms began as social movements, which this is – it's a people set apart from those around them by "in-group attitudes and discrimination from others";
Homosexual community has a culture, with discussion groups, bookstores, magazines, bars, cabarets, etc.,
has a history (traceable back to ancient Greece at least),
has a literature,
seeks access to "certain key levers of the state" to ensure survival (particularly given how much under attack they are by, e.g., religious groups), is highly organized and able to create national identity.

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