Sunday, October 28, 2007

Regurgitate (RGTE) is a Goregrind band from Sweden.
In 2001, Bizarre Leprous Productions released a 46-band tribute to Regurgitate entitled Comeback of Goregods: Tribute to Regurgitate, with bands such as Inhume, Lymphatic Phlegm, Gore Beyond Necropsy, Haemorrhage, and Neuro-Visceral Exhumation taking part. [1]

Regurgitate (band) Band members

Urban Skytt - Guitar (Nasum, Crematory)
Jocke Pettersson - Drums (Thy Primordial, Retaliation, Niden Div. 187)
Johan Jansson - Bass (Interment, Demonical, The Uncurbed Family, Spritvev)
Rikard Jansson - Vocals Previous members


1999 - Relapse Records Sampler Spring 1999 Compilation (Relapse Records)
1999 - Contaminated: Relapse Records Sampler 1999 Compilation (Relapse Records)
1999 - Contaminated 3.0 Compilation (Relapse Records)
2001 - Requiems of Revulsion: A Tribute to Carcass Compilation (Necropolis Records)
2001 - Obscene Extreme 2001 Compilation (Obscene Productions)
2001 - Contaminated 4.0 Compilation (Relapse Records)
2002 - Polar Grinder Compilation
2002 - Goreland Compilation (Black Hole Productions)
2003 - Contaminated 5.0 Compilation (Relapse Records) Compilation albums

1991 - Demo 91
1994 - Concrete Human Torture
1999 - Promo CD 1999 Full-length albums and EPs

1992 - Split with Vaginal Massaker (Poserslaughter Records)
1993 - Split with Psychotic Noise (Glued Stamps Records)
1994 - Split with Grudge (Obliteration Records)
1994 - Split with Dead (Poserslaughter Records)
1996 - Flesh Mangler Split with Intestinal Infection (Noise Variations)
2000 - Split with Filth (Panic Records)
2001 - Sodomy and Carnal Assault Split with Gore Beyond Necropsy (No Weak Shit Records)
2001 - Scream Bloody Whore Split with Realized (Stuhlgang Records)
2002 - Split with Cripple Bastards (E.U.'91 Produzioni)
2003 - Bonesplicer Split with Entrails Massacre (Towerviolence Records)
2003 - Corruptured Split with Noisear (Regurgitated Semen Records)
2003 - 3-Way Live Split with Entrails Massacre and Suppository (Blastwork Records)
2004 - Regurgitate/Suppository Split Split with Suppository (Badger Records)
Split 5" with Entrails Massacre

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